HC Deb 26 October 1916 vol 86 cc1350-1W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he has had any complaints from the crews of the tanks at the front in France that they have not received any pay since the 28th of August; that this fact puts the men to great inconvenience in view of the facts that they are often back 20 to 30 miles in villages with no money in their possession, and that their friends are unable to send them money on account of the irregularity of their movements; and will he take steps to remedy this matter?


No complaints have been received. If the men have not received pay they should make representations in the usual manner through their commanding officers.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether the pay of the drivers of the tanks at the front in France is 1s. 1½ d. per day, while the pay of motor transport drivers is 6s. 6d. per day, on the ground that the latter are specialists; if so, will he say whether the training which the former men got for weeks and sometimes months in secret in this country constituted them specialists; and whether it is proposed to raise their pay accordingly?


The 6s. rate was a special rate offered in the earlier stage of the War to drivers who joined the Army fully trained. It did not apply to drivers who were trained by the Army. The last part of the question therefore does not arise.