HC Deb 24 October 1916 vol 86 c977W
Colonel YATE

asked the Secretary of State for India whether the promotion of the senior lieutenant-colonels of the Indian Supply and Transport Corps has been retarded in consequence of the retention on the active list of substantive colonels who, if the War had not broken out, would have been retired; if so, will steps now be taken to prevent this stoppage in the flow of promotion, either by treating as supernumerary the officers due for retirement or else by temporarily increasing the establishment of substantive colonels?


So far as I am aware, out of eight colonels employed with the Supply and Transport Corps only one is over fifty-seven, the age for compulsory retirement from the service. Others but for the War would have vacated their appointments, but unless they exercised the option of retirement vacancies on the establishment of colonels would not result. That establishment has been supplemented since the War began by a considerable number of brevet promotions, three of which have been received by lieutenant-colonels of the Supply and Transport Corps. It is not proposed to adopt the special measures suggested in the last part of the question.