HC Deb 18 October 1916 vol 86 cc573-4W

asked the Home Secretary whether he can say in what way the new Lighting Order in London, applicable to the Metropolitan area, differs from the Order in force last year; whether he is aware that at the West End of London there are innumerable cases of ill-fitting blinds and unshaded lights which pass unnoticed by the authorities, while in the provinces the least infringement of the Regulations is punished with a heavy fine and in some cases imprisonment; and whether he can see his way to place all areas and all persons on the same footing in this respect?


The provisions of the Order with regard to the lighting of shops, houses, and other premises have been brought into line with the corresponding provisions of the Order applying in the provinces and somewhat strengthened in point of detail, but in substance they are similar to those in force last year. Though a slightly ill-fitting blind may not constitute a breach of the Order, cases of lights being insufficiently screened undoubtedly occur, but active measures are taken by the police, in the West End and elsewhere, to enforce the Order where necessary, and the restric- tions have undoubtedly been better observed since the new Order came into force. In the last six weeks there have been about 2,000 prosecutions for offences against the Order in the Metropolitan area.

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