HC Deb 28 November 1916 vol 88 c178W

asked the Secretary for War whether he is aware that a number of men, after being released for military service by the railway companies with instructions to report to the recruiting officer on a specified date, are sent back home for varying periods ranging from three days to three weeks, and that they are unable to return to their former work on the railway owing to their places having already been filled, with the result that they are unemployed, and, were it not for the trade union unemployment benefit, their wives, children, and the men themselves would experience difficulty in obtaining food; and whether, therefore, he will arrange for men not to be taken from the railways until the recruiting authorities are ready for them, and, in any case where the men cannot be embodied immediately, for the Government pay and allowances to commence from the date the men wore first ordered to report for military service?


If the hon. Member will furnish me with details, I will have inquiries made.