HC Deb 28 November 1916 vol 88 c181W

asked if one-fourth war bonus was paid instead of one-half to the female clerks employed in the Army Pay Offices, Dublin; and, if so, whether regimental and other paymasters are allowed to reduce the payments of war bonus?


The full bonus is essentially an addition to the wages of those who were in the service of the Department before the War. The amount of bonus to be paid to clerks taken on since the War began is decided by the local authorities according to circumstances.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether the standard work for men clerks in the Army Pay Offices at Dublin was 500 accounts and for female clerks 300 accounts; whether within the past year female clerks have been given 500 accounts equally with the men clerks; and if he can state the respective wages weekly for men clerks and female clerks?


The nominal standard of work for the past year has been the same for male and female clerks, as stated. This does not imply that the quantity and kind of work actually performed by men and women are identical. The average wage of male clerks is 39s., covering all time worked; of female clerks, 23s. 6d., with overtime in addition.