HC Deb 27 November 1916 vol 88 cc39-40W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland how many Reservists and Special Reservists who joined the Colours on mobilisation are included in the total of 130,241 given in the Command Paper No. 8,390 as the number of men from Ireland who have joined His Majesty's Forces since the outbreak of war to the 15th October, 1916?


The number 130,241 includes 17,236 men reported by the Royal Irish Constabulary to have joined the Army as Reservists. It is believed that this number, 17,236, covers all cases of men called up from the Royal Irish Constabulary area at or after outbreak of war, in consequence of a pre-war obligation to serve. Figures are not at present available showing the number of Army Reservists called up from the Dublin Metropolitan Police area, and they are, therefore, not included in the 130,241.