HC Deb 16 November 1916 vol 87 cc1024-5W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many purchases of property by the Central Liquor Control Board have been sanctioned by the Treasury, and of that number how many have been actually paid for; what is the aggregate amount so paid; and how many cases are awaiting the sanction of the Treasury, and what aggregate sum do they represent; is he aware that there are cases in which the Central Control Board seized the property under the exceptional statutory powers possessed by them more than a year ago, and in relation to which the terms of purchase were agreed, which have not yet been paid for; and will he say how many of such cases there are, and what is the aggregate purchase-money so withheld?


I have been asked by my right hon. Friend to answer this question. There are three districts in Great Britain in which the purchase of property by the Control Board has been sanctioned by the Treasury. Within these districts compensation in respect of over fifty claims has been paid, the aggregate amount being about £100,000. The number of claims yet to be settled, and the amounts payable, cannot be stated until the claims have been submitted to and determined by the Royal Commission. There are no cases in which the Control Board took possession of property more than a year ago. The desirability of prompt payment is fully recognised, and every endeavour is made to secure it.


asked the Minister of Munitions whether any representations have been received from the naval authorities in Scotland urging that the Central Control Board (Liquor Traffic) should prohibit the sale of spirits in other coastal areas beyond those in which such prohibition is at present in force; and, if so, whether the Board propose to give effect to the representations of the naval authorities, and to take action in the direction indicated by them?


Certain representations on the subject have been received in special areas from naval and other authorities. These are now under consideration.