HC Deb 14 November 1916 vol 87 cc636-7W

asked the Chief Secretary if he is aware of the injury threatened to the capital of Connaught in the reduction of Galway provincial prison to the status of a bridewell; whether he received protests from all the public boards in the city, as also from the county council representing the entire county of Galway in reference to the matter; and whether the Government will reconsider their decision in this matter?


I would refer the hon. Member to my reply of Thursday last to the question on this subject of the hon. Member for North Galway.


asked the Chief Secretary whether he has received representations from various public bodies in county Galway protesting against the intention to close Galway Gaol for present purposes and convert it into a bridewell; and whether these representations will receive favourable consideration?


I would refer the hon. Member to my reply of Thursday last to the question on this subject of the hon. Member for North Galway.