HC Deb 01 November 1916 vol 86 cc1736-7W

asked the Home Secretary how many of the untried Irish prisoners now detained in this country have been, directly or indirectly, offered release on condition that they joined the British Army; how many of them have been successfully seduced; what special punishment, in addition to continued imprisonment, follows refusal; under what law is this offer made, if the men were guilty and deserved imprisonment; and how is the offer distinguishable from the offence of seduction from allegiance for Which Roger Casement has been hanged?


The answer to the first part of the question is none. The remainder does not arise.


asked the Home Secretary whether any new instructions have been issued to the commandant at Frongoch Camp with reference to the treatment of the Irish prisoners; if he will state what concessions have been granted; if there is any improvement in the dietary scale and general surroundings; and if the contractor who supplied the meat which was condemned as unfit for human use has been prosecuted?


I would refer the hon. Member to the statements I made in the Debate on 26th October and on many other occasions in reply to questions with regard to the treatment of the Irish prisoners at Frongoch, and the food supplied to them. They have been transferred to the North Camp, which I understand they prefer to their former quarters in the South Camp. Though some of the meat had to be condemned on one occasion, I am not aware that the circumstances were such as to justify any proceedings against the contractor. The matter was one for the local military authorities to deal with.