HC Deb 24 May 1916 vol 82 cc2117-8W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he will bring before the Army Council for consideration the question of the enlistment of married men, whether voluntary or compulsory, who are the sole proprietors of businesses or may be otherwise so situated that the business would have to be closed down were they wholly withdrawn for military purposes; and whether an Army Order or other instructions can be issued providing for the transfer of these men to the Reserve under conditions which will permit of their continuing to give limited supervision to their business and yet ensure such a measure of military training as would prepare them and thus shorten the period of the final training which would be necessary for employment with the Expeditionary Forces overseas?


The Army Council are fully alive to the need for giving special consideration to the cases of married men, and none who are not required with the Colours will be called to them.

The deciding factor will be the national need, and the whole future of the calling up of married men must depend upon the numbers of unskilled or part skilled single men who can be combed out of reserved occupations and munitions factories, and if is hoped that all who have the interests of the married men at heart will assist in this process.