HC Deb 09 May 1916 vol 82 c464W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer how many old age pensioners, male and female, separately, there were at the end of 1915 in receipt of 5s., 4s., 3s., 2s., and 1s. per week; how many applications have been declined because of income, etc., each cause being given separately; how many have voluntarily forfeited their pensions because of employment and additional income; how many have forfeited their pensions and gone into the workhouse; the total amount paid in old age pensions; and the total cost of the administration thereof during 1915?


The total number of pensions payable on the 31st December, 1915, was 982,384, of which 364,464 were to men, and 617,920 to women; the numbers payable at the several rates being:

5s. 4s. 3s. 2s. 1s.
928,085 19,540 19,986 9,697 5,076

I have no information as to the second, third and fourth parts of the question. With regard to the rest of the question, the account of the Old Age Pension Vote is not kept with reference to the calendar year, and exact figures for the year 1915–16 are, I am sorry to say, not yet available.