HC Deb 28 June 1916 vol 83 cc866-7W

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many alien enemies of German and Austrian nationality respectively, and distinguishing men of military age, men above military age, and women, are at the present time interned in the British Islands, including the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man; how many of each of the same three classes remain in the British Islands uninterned; and how many approximately of those remaining uninterned are women of British birth or parentage, or persons who, although technically of enemy nationality, are natives of districts believed to be friendly to the cause of the Allies?


About 32,000 alien enemies are at present interned in this country and the Isle of Man. All of these, with the exception of about 200, are of German or Austrian nationality, and all but a very few are of military age. No female alien enemies are interned as prisoners of war. About 23,000, including a small proportion of British-born children, have been repatriated, and 4,000 more have been allowed to leave the country for other destinations. Excluding British-born wives of alien enemies, who number between 10,000 and 11,000, there remain at large some 22,000 persons of Austrian or German nationality, all of whom have been recommended by the Advisory Committees for exemption from internment or repatriation. Rather more than 10,000 of these are women; about 6,700 are men of military age, and the remainder men over military age. The number who are of friendly race or origin included in the above figures is about 4,000, but if the hon. Member will refer to my answer yesterday to the hon. Member for West Newington, and to many previous answers on this subject, he will see that friendly race or origin constitutes only one of the special reasons for exemption from internment or repatriation.