HC Deb 22 June 1916 vol 83 cc341-3W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether it is with the sanction or authority of the Government that Private R. Hughes, belonging to the Gloucestershire National Reserve, and other men now serving with the 82nd Provisional Battalion at Walton-on-the-Naze, have been put on stoppage of pay in order to refund to the Government separation allowances paid to their wives for a period of seven days during which they obtained leave to go home to attend to their gardens; and, if so, how, seeing that they lost their pay and Government rations and had to provide for their own food during this week, such stoppage is justified?


My hon. and gallant Friend has already written to me about this question and inquiry is being made.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether a pension will be granted to Private William Shields, No. 16,070, Royal Irish Fusiliers, who was discharged from the Army on 1st May, 1916, as physically unfit for war service owing to his having contracted tuberculosis in the trenches in France?


This man was only six weeks in France, and never reached the trenches. His disability was present before enlistment, but as it was aggravated by active service he has been awarded a pension of 10s. a week for six months, conditional, and the question of an additional, allowance for his children is under consideration.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office if representations have been received from the Statutory Committee on Pensions in reference to the Royal Warrant in respect of allowances to dependants of soldiers, under which 10s. is promised to a wholly dependent person and 5s. per week to a person partially dependent only; does the War Office intend to adhere to an arrangement under which a person with 2s. 6d. per week from a friendly society or trade union, or as the result of individual saving, shall get only an additional 5s. per week and the wholly dependent person get 10s.; and, if not, what answer is to be made to the Statutory Committee, and when such answer may be expected?


My right hon. Friend the Secretary to the Admiralty and I are receiving a deputation from the Statutory Committee on this question this afternoon, and the matter will be carefully considered.