§ Mr. TURTONasked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether, in fixing the price to be paid for wool, he took into consideration that in cases where Members of Parliament are also farmers they will be put to the expense of resigning their seats and seeking reelection, or incur penalties as having made a contract with the Government?
§ Mr. FORSTERAs the wool is being acquired under powers conferred by regulations made under the Defence of the Realm Acts, it is not considered that the 2101W transaction is a contract within the meaning of the House of Commons (Disqualification) Act, 1782.
§ Mr. GRAHAMasked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether the local wool buyers in the provincial towns of Ireland will be allowed to purchase wool as heretofore from the farmers in their respective districts; and, if not, whether the Government propose to compensate them for the loss of business, as many of them are dependent on the wool trade for their livelihood?
§ Mr. FORSTERA notice has been issued by the Army Council permitting wool buyers to purchase wool in Ireland at fixed prices and upon certain conditions.
§ Mr. BOLANDasked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether those engaged in the homespun woollen industry in the West of Ireland come within the new wool regulations under Section (a), namely, any person carrying on the business of woollen, worsted, or hosiery goods in any textile factory; and whether, in view of the fact that associations exist for the maintenance of the genuine homespun industry, in which the wool has to be hand-spun and hand-woven, he will state whether arrangements can be made for interfering as little as possible with this important cottage industry?
§ Mr. FORSTERPersons engaged in domestic hand-spinning and hand-weaving are not included in Section 2 (a) of the notice issued by the Army Council on the 25th instant, and are, therefore, permitted to purchase Irish wool on the conditions set forth in the notice.