HC Deb 27 July 1916 vol 84 c1892W

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether there has been a suspension of the Tuberculosis Order, 1914, and the tuberculosis test by which milking cows and animals used for human food were tested and, if found to be either positive or suspicious, were slaughtered and compensation paid to their owners; if so, whether he is aware that, as a result of this suspension, farmers can sell tuberculous animals and are not obliged to state to whom they have sold them, so that inspectors may lose trace of tuberculous animals and are unable to prevent the sale for human consumption of tuberculous milk and flesh; and whether, in view of the consequent danger to infant life and the prevalence of consumption amongst persons of all ages, he will give orders for the Tuberculosis Order, 1914, to be reinstated.


I shall be obliged to my hon. Friend if he will come to the Board's office and talk over the questions which he raises, as I think this will be more satisfactory to him than any explanation of the position that can be given in answer to a Parliamentary question.