HC Deb 26 July 1916 vol 84 c1704W

asked the Secretary to the Treasury if old age pensioners who wish to avail themselves of the relaxation of conditions surrounding such pensions, as outlined by the Prime Minister to a recent deputation, and alluded to by the Secretary to the Local Government Board, and especially such pensioners as suffer deductions on account of small incomes, allowance of rent, coal, etc., resulting in reducing their pensions from 5s. per week to 4s., 3s., 2s., and 1s. per week, may have the advantage of this relaxation and secure a rehearing of their cases with a view to such deductions being suspended?


The answer to my hon. Friend's question would depend on the circumstances of particular cases; I shall be pleased to have inquiries made in any cases of which he furnishes, me with details.