HC Deb 20 July 1916 vol 84 cc1214-5W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that the military authorities in Sheffield have posted throughout the city the name of Albert Dowker, 6, Robinson Road, Park, Sheffield, as an absentee under the Military Service Act; that this action, taken without the slightest investigation or inquiry at his house, is in respect of a skilled fitter holding a badge and certificate: that despite his protests and explanations this man has had military papers served upon him three times and has been warned that he would get into trouble unless he reported for service; whether he is aware that this workman has an assurance from the Minister of Munitions that he is exempt from being called up unless and until his certificate is withdrawn by that Department; that when he left Sheffield to go to work at Derby his railway fare was paid by the Ministry of Munitions, which is now granting him 2s. 6d. a day subsistence allowance; that before leaving Sheffield he again notified the military authorities of his position; why, in these circumstances, the man has been publicly posted throughout the city as an absentee; whether, in view of the annoyance to which he has been subjected for months, the War Office and the Ministry of Munitions will now cease their prolonged struggle for his body; and what action will be taken?


A report on this case was asked for by telegram, but it has not yet reached the War Office. If, as appears probable from the facts stated, there has been a mistake, it shall, of course, be put right.