HC Deb 17 July 1916 vol 84 c684W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether orders for the supply of artificial limbs to wounded soldiers have been and are given to an American firm; if he will state the prices now being paid for artificial legs and arms, respectively; and whether opportunities have been given to British firms to provide these appliances?


I am informed that orders for artificial limbs for soldiers admitted to Queen Mary's Convalescent Auxiliary Hospital, Roehampton House, S.W., have been placed with sixteen different firms, of which three are American, the remainder being British. The orders are placed in accordance with the recommendations of the consulting surgeons at Roehampton, and the limbs supplied are of the types commended by the judges at the exhibition held there in July, 1915. The prices range from £6 10s. to £ 17 for an artificial arm, and from £8 18s. 6d. to £20 for an artificial leg. The prices vary according to the nature of the amputation.