HC Deb 11 July 1916 vol 84 cc212-4W

asked what local authorities have made provision for the treatment of the mentally deficient under the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913, Section 30?


The total number of local authorities under the Mental Deficiency Act, 1913, is 125. The number of local authorities who have submitted one or more schemes for giving effect to the Act is eighty-seven. There have been interviews or correspondence with other local authorities who have not, so far, submitted formal schemes, and they have been urged to carry out the important, but comparatively inexpensive, duties of ascertaining the numbers of defectives for whom they are responsible, and of providing supervision and guardianship where required. The restriction of capital issues during the War prevents local authorities from purchasing land or buildings with a view to the provision of institutional accommodation on an important scale. The Board of Control have suggested that they should provide for urgent cases by (a) leasing and adapting existing buildings, where this can be done at little cost; or (b) entering into contracts with the managers of existing institutions; or (c) applying for the approval under Section 37 of the Act of suitable portions of Poor Law premises. The institutional accommodation now available for local authorities is as follows:

(1) Certified institutions provided by local authorities alone or in conjunction with other local authorities:

(a) Institutions actually open (3):—
Local Authority. Institution. Accom.
Middlesex Bramley House 44
Lancashire Brockhall 158
Mid-Yorks Joint Board Cattal 120
Total 322
(b) Proposals which have been approved, or probably will be approved, in the near future (5):—
Local Authority. Institution. Accom.
Bradford Ashfield 36
Leicester Borough Cross Corners 20
London Brunswick House 55
London Streatham Schools 81
Sheffield Wales Court 60
Total 252

(2) Institutions and homes provided by religious and philanthropic associations and by individuals:

Number certified or approved 54
Accommodation provided 3,808

(3) Nine hospitals and institutions formerly registered under the Idiots Act have become certified institutions or houses under the Mental Deficiency Act, and continue to provide accommodation for 2,526 defectives, who are, by virtue of Section 67 of the Mental Deficiency Act, on the footing of defectives dealt with under Section 3 of that Act.

(4) Twenty-six Poor Law institutions (not certified institutions) approved under Section 37, providing accommodation for 1,283 cases.

Sixty-six local authorities have entered into contracts with one or more of the institutions described above. In many instances, also, patients have been sent to the institutions in anticipation of the completion of the contracts. The number of cases sent by local authorities to certified institutions or to guardianship in the exercise of their obligations, and chargeable to them, was, on the 30th June, 1916:

Sent to
CertifiedInstitutions Guardianship. Total.
Cases dealt with by Orders of Judicial Authorities (Section 6) 1,154 69 1,223
By Orders of Criminal Courts or by the Secretary of State (Sections 8 and 9) 207 6 213
1,361 75 1,436

The figures in the above table do not include the cases now under care, amounting in number to about 600, dealt with under the Act since its commencement otherwise than by Order.