HC Deb 11 July 1916 vol 84 cc209-10W

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that application was made to the Surrey Appeal Tribunal on 24th June on behalf of E. B. Chappelow, a conscientious objector, now undergoing a sentence of detention for a revision of his certificate of exemption, on the ground that his willingness to undertake work of national importance of a civil character had not been taken into account; that it was stated by this tribunal that they had no jurisdiction to hear the case so long as Chappelow was in the hands of the military authorities; and whether he will give instructions that this man should be provisionally released, as has been done in other similar cases, in order that a decision may be obtained?


Release has not been granted by the War Office in any similar case. This man has been serving since 12th April. He has been sentenced for disobedience of military orders; he, therefore, comes under the provisions for dealing with these cases outlined by the Prime Minister in his statement of 29th June.


asked the Secretary of State for War if he will make inquiries into the case of Thomas Henry Haynes, of Rycroft Villa, 81, Marsden Road, Burnley, who was sentenced to two years' hard labour on 24th June and is now believed to be imprisoned in Walton Gaol, Burnley; whether he is aware that this man, who is only nineteen years of age and bears a very high character in the town, has frequently expressed his willing-ness to undertake any work of national importance of a civil character; and whether the man will soon have this opportunity under the new scheme?


No inquiry into this case seems to be necessary. If the facts be as stated T. H. Haynes will certainly have the opportunity desired under the new scheme.


asked whether instructions have yet been given to the military representative at Middlesbrough to liberate Walter Robinson, of Middlesbrough, from military custody and to refer him to the Pelham Committee, seeing that the local tribunal granted him ah exemption certificate conditionally upon his doing work under that Committee; and whether definite instructions have been given to this military representative as to the functions of the Pelham Committee?


I am informed that Walter Robinson was granted exemption from combatant service only by the Middlesbrough local tribunal on the 11th March. His appeal to the North Riding Appeal Tribunal was dismissed on the 7th April. He was called up for the 29th May, but did not report. A second notice was sent for the 17th June, but again he did not report. He was arrested on the 19th June, and on the same day convicted as an absentee and handed over to the military authorities. It is not correct, as implied in the hon. Member's question of the 29th June, that the local tribunal had before his arrest granted him an exemption certificate conditionally on his obtaining work under the Pelham Committee, though he had been in communication with the tribunal, who, without reviewing the certificate, had authorised him to apply to the Pelham Committee. As his certificate was an exemption from combatant service only, this permission was not effective, and his formal application only came before the tribunal on the 30th June, twelve days after his arrest. In these circumstances, no instructions have been given for his release. Information has been given to Captain Brissender, the recruiting officer, as to the functions of the Pelham Committee.