HC Deb 10 July 1916 vol 84 c50W

asked the Minister of Munitions whether his attention has been drawn to the number of builders' foremen and clerks of works who are out of employment, in consequence of the action of the Department in putting a stop to building operations; and whether he can see his way to utilise the services of these men to fill similar posts in various works carried on by the Department in which their expert knowledge would be valuable?


The number of builders' foremen and clerks of works thrown out of employment on account of the stoppage by this Department of building operations is not, so far as I am aware, very large. Every effort will be made to place in employment any men so affected either on work carried out by the Department or otherwise, if they will record their names at the Labour Exchange nearest to their place of residence. In the meantime, I am causing a special inquiry to be made in response to a communication made to the Ministry on the same subject.