HC Deb 06 July 1916 vol 83 cc1680-1W

asked the Home Secretary whether he is a ware of the local inconvenience and injury to business caused by the continued internment in this country, uncharged and untried, of Mr. John Cawley, manager of the Granard Creamery, and of Mr. John Murphy, manager of the Ballydwyer Creamery, in this the most important season in the year for that business; seeing that ample security is available for the appearance of both to meet any charge in a Civil Court, whether they will be allowed to resume their business; and whether these two cases will be dealt with forthwith?


The cases referred to are under consideration by the Advisory Committee, who are dealing with all cases as rapidly as possible.


asked whether the request of Mr. P. J. Doris, editor of the "Mayo News," to be furnished with the charge, if any, against him, and the evidence on which it is based, has yet been conceded; and, if not, when it will be conceded and either a trial or release ordered?


The grounds for the internment of P. J. Doris are stated in the notice of the order for internment which has been served upon him. His case is under consideration by the Advisory Committee.


asked the Home Secretary whether he will have the cases of the following interned Irish youths considered at an early date, with a view to their release: James Murphy (aged fourteen and a half years), Michael Boles, James O'Dwyer, Edward Newell, William O'Brien, Thomas O'Donovan, John Howland, James Conlan, Francis Mason, M. Gahon, Joseph Musgrave, Joseph Cleary, Christopher Caulfield, John O'Shea, Matthew O'Brien, James Hand, James O'Byrne, Christopher Byrne, William Meade, Patrick O'Leary, William Franey, Michael Cahill, Michael Cunliffe, Michael Cost[...]lioe, Matthew Daley, William Hendrick, James Goodall, James Murphy, John O'Neill, and James Coady?


The Advisory Committee are dealing with the cases of all interned Irish prisoners as rapidly as possible.