HC Deb 06 July 1916 vol 83 c1682W

asked Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland whether he is aware that the house of Joseph O'Regan, Midleton, county Cork, was searched on the 11th of June by the police, and that Mr. O'Regan was himself arrested by the district inspector and a policeman when returning from the Hibernian Hall on that date; whether the investigations of the police failed entirely to connect Mr. O'Regan with the Sinn Fein movement; whether it was notorious in Midleton that this gentleman was of the opposite way of thinking; whether it was also well known to the police that there was no branch of the Sinn Fein organisation in Midleton and no meeting ever held there in reference to it; and whether these proceedings, which cause local irritation and annoyance, will be dropped?


The house of Joseph O'Regan was searched at Midleton on the 13th May. In consequence of certain information which reached the police they questioned this man as to his movements on the 11th June, but did not arrest him, and he made no complaint of his treatment on the occasion. The question of O'Regan being a Sinn Feiner did not arise, but I do not understand that it is notorious in Midleton that he is of the opposite way of thinking.