HC Deb 29 February 1916 vol 80 cc915-6W

asked the Postmaster-General whether the remuneration offered by the Post Office for War Loan work done by sub-postmasters, who have to provide their own premises and pay their own assistants, works out at or about 7½d. per cent; whether he is aware that the allowance to bankers, brokers, and financial houses works out at 2s. 6d. per cent.; and, if so, what is the reason for limiting the remuneration of the sub-postmasters to-one-fourth of that given to bankers and brokers?


I beg to refer the hon. Member to the replies given to questions on this subject on the 23rd and 24th instant. The remuneration allowed to sub-postmasters for receiving direct applications for War Loan Stock of £5, or a multiple thereof, works out at approximately 7½d. per £100 worth of stock en the average, though it varies considerably, being based on the number of transactions and not on the value of the stock applied for. This rate of remuneration has been fixed after comparison of the work and responsibility with that involved in Post Office transactions of other kinds, the remuneration for which has been fixed on the recommendation of Select Committees of this House. It is hardly possible to compare the allowances and responsibilities of sub-postmasters with bankers and brokers.