HC Deb 29 February 1916 vol 80 cc913-4W

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he will explain why Jeremiah C. Lynch (known as Diarmuid Lynch), a citizen of the United States of America, bearing passport No. 42,415 issued at Washington on 10th October, 1914, now resident in Ireland and representing American interests in the southern counties, has, since 24th January, 1916, been confined to a five-mile radius from his temporary residence in Dublin and subject to all the provisions relating to alien enemies as specified in the Aliens Restriction Act, 1914; whether he is aware that Jeremiah C. Lynch had registered as such in Ireland in July, 1915, and since that date complied with the regulations respecting friendly aliens, duly reported in the prescribed areas when his business compelled him to enter them; and whether he will explain why the order issued in respect to Jeremiah C. Lynch by the Home Secretary at Whitehall on 3rd January, 1916, was not executed until he reached Dublin on 24th January, 1916, and why the order was not served on him while residing in his native county Cork between the 3rd and 24th of January, 1916, his whereabouts during that period being known to the authorities of the district wherein he was registered?


I am aware that Lynch registered in Dublin in July, 1915, but I am informed by the Irish Government that he had been in Ireland since November, 1914, without registering or otherwise complying with the Aliens Restriction Order, and it was only after proceedings had been instituted against him that he registered. It is not the case that since that date he has complied with the regulations applying to alien friends; on the contrary, in spite of express warning, he continued to disregard them by entering and leaving prohibited areas from time to time without notifying the police. It was therefore decided to place him under the same restrictions as an alien enemy. With regard to the last part of the question, I am informed that the Order was served on him in Dublin and not in Cork, because he had no fixed residence in Cork which was known to the Dublin Police. The Order was therefore held over for service when he returned to Dublin.