HC Deb 23 February 1916 vol 80 cc709-10W

asked the President of the Board of Education if he will state the total number of temporary clerks or other temporary employés now in the service of the Department and the number of males and females, respectively; what are the conditions of employment as to wages and hours of labour; to what extent has the permanent staff of the Department been depleted by enlistment; and how far have the normal conditions of employment been made up by the temporary appointments?


The number of temporary clerks and employés in the service of the Board is as follows:—

Male. Female. Total.
Administrative staff 1 1
Inspectorate 2 2
Clerks 3 67 70
Messengers, cleaners, porters, warder-cleaners, doorkeepers, labourers, and lavatory cleaners 67 2 69
71 71 142

The temporary male member of the administrative staff is paid at the rate of £400 per annum and the two temporary female members of the inspectorate are paid at the rate of £250 per annum with the same conditions of employment as to hours of labour as apply to the permanent staff. Two of the three temporary male clerks are paid at the rate of 35s. per week and one is at present receiving 31s. 6d. per week, with the same conditions as to employment with regard to hours of labour as apply to the permanent staff, except that they are required to work 48 hours per week before overtime is paid. Of the sixty-seven temporary female clerks, nine are paid at the rate of 30s. per week and the remainder at 25s. per week. The conditions of employment as to hours of labour are 42 per week with overtime at the rate of 9d. per hour in the case of those paid at 30s. per week, and at 7d. in the case of those paid at 25s. per week. The conditions of employment as to wages and hours of labour are the same as those of the permanent staff in the case of messengers, cleaners, porters, warder-cleaners, doorkeepers, labourers, and lavatory cleaners.

The number of the Board's officers actually serving in the Naval or Military Forces is as follows:—

Administrative staff 22
Inspectorate 25
Clerical staff 272
Technical staff (museums) 20
Attendants, messengers, warder-cleaners, labourers, etc. 164

It will be seen that the number of the Board's staff who have joined the Forces is largely in excess of the number of temporary employés engaged. At the same time the Board have been able to assist other Government Departments by the loan of 135 members of their staff.