HC Deb 20 December 1916 vol 88 cc1483-4W

asked the Minister of Pensions if his attention has been called to the case of Rifleman Alexander Boyd, late of the Royal Irish Rifles, who was discharged from the Army owing to serious wounds in 1915; if he is aware that for a long time the question of his pension was in abeyance and eventually he was awarded the sum of 1s. 3d. per day; if he is aware that the man in question is totally disabled and that he is quite unable to earn any money; is he aware that Rifle-man Boyd Was re-examined by the medical board and the result of this examination was embodied in a letter from the Chelsea Commissioners, dated 1st November, 1916; if he is aware that the letter states that the Commissioners have given the case further consideration and have decided, however, after a careful review of the circumstances of the case, that there is no ground for any increase in the pension already awarded him; if he is aware that the Commissioners have stated that the man in question is of drunken habits and that they are of the opinion that it would probably be to his disadvantage to award him any increase of his pension, as it seems probable that he would only spend it on drink; and if he intends taking any action in the matter in consequence of such a statement being sent out from the office of the Chelsea Commissioners?


I am having inquiries made into this case, and will inform the hon. Member of the result in due course.


asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he will explain, in the case of Sapper Peter Larkin, No. 197754, No. 4 Section, 170th Company, Royal Engineers, now serving in France, who before enlistment was the main support of his father by giving him all his wages while in England, and by doing home work after their return to Ireland a short time before enlistment since which he sends his father 3s. 6d. a week out of his military pay, why no additional allowance is being made to the father in accordance with the rules in such cases; and whether what those rules entitle the elder Larkin to receive will now be paid as from the date of the son's enlistment?


Inquiries are being made and the hon. Member will be informed of the result in due course.

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