HC Deb 19 December 1916 vol 88 c1326W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether it is intended that Army Council Instruction No. 1,643, of 22nd August, 1916, which lays down that applications for individual transfers of non-commissioned officers and men will not for the future be entertained unless it is clearly in the interests of the service as a whole or unless the circumstances brought forward are of a most exceptional nature, shall affect King's Regulations, paragraph 333 (iv.), which enables a younger brother to serve with an elder brother, both units being in the same country; and whether he will make it clear that the transfer of a younger brother to serve with an elder brother, provided both are serving in units in the same country and are both passed fit for general service, is permissible?


I would refer the hon. and gallant Member to the reply given on 7th November to the hon. Member for West Bradford. As far as the exigencies of the Service permit, what the hon. and gallant Member desires is done, but I must remind him that there are many impediments, which may prevent it.