HC Deb 21 August 1916 vol 85 c2312W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what steps have been taken in the case of Mr. Boshell, a British subject, whose property was confiscated twelve years ago by the Republic of Colombia; if there is any likelihood of the matter being brought to a settlement; if he is aware that the Colombian Government offered to pay Mr. Boshell £30,000 in settlement of his claim some years since; and whether the British Minister at Bogota will be forthwith instructed to make energetic representations to secure a settlement without further delay?


The latest instructions sent to Mr. Wyndham. His Majesty's Minister at Bogota, regarding this matter were dated 16th February, 1916. Mr. Boshell has since been in consultation personally with Mr. Wyndham, who is employing his best efforts to facilitate a settlement. The correspondence regarding an offer of £30,000 leaves the question open to some doubt.? It does not appear necessary to supplement the instructions on which Mr. Wyndham is; now acting.