HC Deb 07 August 1916 vol 85 c690W

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he has received the Report of Colonel Maurice Moore and Major Joseph Byrne, the military commissioners appointed by the General Commanding at York to investigate the frauds upon Reservists called to the Colours in the county of Durham in March, April, and May, 1916; and, if so, whether he is able to state the recommendations of Colonel Moore and Major Byrne, and the decision of the Army Council upon the facts reported?


No, Sir. So far as I am aware Colonel Maurice Moore and Major Joseph Byrne were not appointed as commissioners to investigate any charges at Sunderland. The first Court of Inquiry having failed to elicit satisfactory information, a second Court of Inquiry has been found necessary, and this is at present sitting under the presidency of a general officer and is investigating on oath the allegations of fraud. Until their Report has been received and considered by the Army Council no decision can be arrived at.