HC Deb 28 September 1915 vol 74 cc744-5W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he will state whether Private M. Lee, No. 8,948, 2nd Royal Irish Fusiliers, made an allowance of 6d. a day to his mother, Mrs. L. Lee, Mill Rock, Cavan, in December, 1914, being then the only support of his mother; and, if so, will be state why the dependant allowance is not paid to the mother?


Inquiries have been made and it appears that her claim was refused on the ground that she was found in fact not to have been dependent on her son prior to his enlistment. As the hon. Member has been privately informed, Mrs. Lee can appeal against this finding if she contests it.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office if he will inquire into the case of No. 7,081, Private F. Chappell, now residing at 4, Hatchard Road, Upper Holloway, N., a Reservist called up at the outbreak of war, who was twice wounded in France whilst serving with the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the Oxfordshire Light Infantry, his wound necessitating on the first occasion fifteen weeks' hospital treatment and six weeks' convalescence, and consisting on the second occasion of a gun-shot wound in the head, and who was discharged on 18th August as time-expired, the separation allowance ceasing on 6th September, thus leaving him without resources; and, having regard to the period of thirteen years' service rendered by Chappell, to the fact that his wounds received in the discharge of that service will incapacitate him from following his ordinary employment for some time, and thus make it impossible to provide the maintenance of his wife and four children, and to his exemplary record of service, will he consider the question of granting a pension, or at least an allowance, until such time as Chappell's state of health places him in a position to become self-supporting?


This case, I have ascertained, is already under the consideration of the Commissioners of the Royal Hospital. I will inform the hon. Member of their decision.


asked whether any claims made for dependants of those killed or who died in the present War in county Longford have yet been settled; and, if not, when a definite policy on this question will be announced?


The claims of widows and children are being dealt with under the Royal Warrant of last May. The claims of other dependants await the settlement of the new scheme, which has not yet been finally approved. Those who are eligible are still drawing separation allowances, so that they are suffering no loss.