HC Deb 11 May 1915 vol 71 c1490W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been drawn to the case of Mr. Ritch, an English barrister, of Mombasa, British East Africa, who, with his wife and family, was in November last deported from the Protectorate to this country; whether he is aware that Mr. Ritch was, while professionally engaged in the High Court, Mombasa, suddenly arrested by the Provost-marshal, under the authority of General Aitken, thrown into the local gaol, imprisoned there until the following evening, and a few days later placed, together with his family aboard ship and sent to this country; whether he is aware that no reason or explanation of any kind was then or has since been given to Mr. Ritch for this treatment of him, and that, although the Courts of the Protectorate were running at the time, no charge of any kind was or has since been preferred against him; and whether, having regard to these facts, the Government will take steps to make Mr. Ritch such redress as is possible under the circumstances?


The facts are broadly as stated. Mr. Ritch was deported to this country by order of the military authorities, on depositions made by local Colonial officials to the effect that his presence was prejudicial to the interests of the Colony. Mr. Ritch was informed at the time, but made no appeal to the military authorities, though he had ample time and opportunity for doing so.