HC Deb 10 March 1915 vol 70 c1441W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether the 3s. per night paid for an officer's billet is intended only to cover lodging and attendance, and whether the officers are expected to pay for their own messing as usual; if so, whether he is aware that many patriotic householders who were glad to offer free meals to officers at the beginning of the War are now finding it expensive to continue to do so indefinitely; and whether he will have officers reminded that they must not assume that all householders can afford to board as well as lodge them for 21s. per week?


The services covered by the payment of 3s. for an officer's billet are as stated by the hon. Member. As regards meals, instructions have already been issued on the point which I hope will prevent any possible misunderstanding. I am glad to have this opportunity of acknowledging the hospitality which has in many cases been so generously given.