HC Deb 10 March 1915 vol 70 c1434W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether the attention of the War Office authorities has been directed to the proceedings at the Westminster Police Court on Friday last, when fines, in the aggregate of £520, were inflicted on men and women as frequenters of a West End gambling resort, as the result of a police raid made therein, and to the statement of one of the Ass stant Commissioners of Police that at a number of these gaming resorts many young officers who had been lured there had lost sums which they could not afford; and whether the War Office authorities will take steps to warn officers of the impropriety of frequenting such places and to visit with severity any disregard of such warning?


The General Officer Commanding the London District has already issued an order in the sense suggested, and if further action should be considered necessary it will be taken.