HC Deb 10 March 1915 vol 70 c1428W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the fact that the Board of Inland Revenue has issued an order prohibiting any more members of the Department from enlisting, he will allow these civil servants to get their volunteer training corps recognised by adding the following words to the declaration required by Sir Reginald Brade's letter to Lord Des-borough as to enlisting if called upon to do so, namely, subject to the leave and (or) consent of the head of the Department?


No, Sir. A civil servant should obtain the leave of the head of his Department before undertaking any form of military liability. The Secretary of State confidently looks to the heads of Departments to arrange, by finding suitable substitutes, for the necessary permission to be given freely to their subordinates who are prepared to enlist. This is the form of military service of which the nation has the most pressing need. The order of the Board of Inland Revenue has not been brought to my notice.