HC Deb 30 June 1915 vol 72 cc1810-1W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he is aware that the manager of the Heston and Isleworth Electricity Works, in response to an application for war badges for certain skilled employés on his staff, made on 4th June, 1915, and containing names of firms engaged on Government work to which power was being supplied by his works, was informed that the issue of official badges could not be authorised on the ground that no power was being supplied to any factory manufacturing munitions of war; that his application was made as the result of a communication from the War Office to the secretary of the Associated Municipal Electrical Engineers (Greater London), of which association he is a member, in which it was stated that a system had been instituted by which badges for skilled employés of suitable age and willing to enlist if called upon to do so could be obtained on application to the War Office; and that the application of this system was suggested by the military authorities to the Associated Municipal Electrical Engineers (Greater London) as a means of retaining their skilled employés; is he aware that the attitude of the War Office towards the application for badges does not seem to accord with the official statement to the effect that several electrical companies had been offered such badges for issue to men of recruitable age who would be willing to enlist in the event of an emergency; will he say why there is this inequality of treatment in regard to the issue of badges of skilled employés of electrical services; and, if it represents a change of attitude, will he consider the advisability of its modification, with a view to granting badges to the skilled employés of the Heston and Isleworth Electricity Works, and to the employés of other companies similarly situated?


There has as yet been no change in the procedure as regards the issue of badges to employés at electric power stations. The position is as stated in the first part of the hon. Member's question, but the power stations must be supplying power for the manufacture of munitions.