HC Deb 23 June 1915 vol 72 c1182W

asked the Secretary for Foreign Affairs if he will state the area of arable land in Denmark; the area of it in tillage; and the number of the people in that country engaged in agriculture at the latest date for which these figures are available?


The total area under cultivation in Denmark, according to the latest returns (1912), was 6,928,817 acres, of which 6,126,341 acres were arable, the remainder being described as meadow and permanent grass. If the acreage under clovers, grasses, and lucerne be deducted, the area under tillage, in the sense presumably intended by the hon. Member, is 4,352,001 acres. According to the Census of 1911 the number of persons engaged in agriculture was 487,260, exclusive of children and dependants, while the total of the agricultural class was 935,292.