HC Deb 28 July 1915 vol 73 c2300W

asked the Secretary for Foreign Affairs whether his attention has been called to the fact that at least one naturalised British subject travelling in Switzerland as Continental representative of a London trading company is unable to return to England, as neither the French nor the Italian Consuls will vise his British passport; and whether, in cases where no suspicion is attached to such British subjects, some method will be devised for the return journey to be made through France or Italy if proper security be given?


The question of the passage of persons of enemy origin through France or Italy is a matter which rests entirely with the Governments of those States, and His Majesty's Government would not be justified in attempting to intervene in the matter of any measures which those Governments consider it necessary to enforce. There is, however, nothing to prevent persons affected from approaching the Governments concerned direct and putting forward any special circumstances which may exist.