HC Deb 08 July 1915 vol 73 cc544-5W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland how many national schools there are in each junior inspector's district in the counties of Waterford, Cork, Kerry, Clare, Galway, Mayo, Sligo, and Donegal, in which the pupils or any number of the pupils speak Irish, or which are situated in districts in which Irish is spoken by the adult population, and which will also show in how many of these schools the teachers are competent to give instruction through the medium of Irish; in how many of these schools instruction is given through the medium of Irish; in how many schools in such Irish-speaking or semi-Irish-speaking districts Irish is taught as an extra subject; and in how many schools in such Irish-speaking or semi-Irish-speaking districts Irish is neither used as a medium of instruction nor taught as an extra subject?


I regret that I am unable to authorise the considerable expenditure of time and money involved in the preparation of the Return asked for at the present juncture, when the staff of the Board of National Education is depleted owing to the absence of a number of its members on military service.


also asked the number of King's scholars who passed the entrance examination in Irish for the Marlborough Street, Kildare Street, and St. Patrick's Training Colleges, Dublin, Carysfort Training College, Blackrock, and the Limerick, Waterford and Belfast Training Colleges, respectively, in each of the following years: 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913 and 1914; the number of students who passed the leaving examinations in each of these colleges in the years named; and the number of such students who received certificates of competency to teach Irish?


There is no entrance examination in Irish for any of the training colleges. Irish may, however, be taken as an optional or alternative subject at the King's Scholarship Examination by candidates for admission to the various training colleges, and the number of King's scholars who passed in Irish in this way, in the years 1910 to 1914, is shown in the first of the following tables. The information asked for in the second and third parts of the question is given in Tables II. and III.:—

Training College. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914.
Marlboro' Street, Dublin 14 32 7 8 13
St. Patrick's, Dublin 42 54 54 46 51
Our Lady of Mercy, Blackrock 36 75 51 76 70
Church of Ireland, Dublin Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil.
De La Salle, Waterford 55 84 59 71 59
St. Mary's, Belfast 26 33 24 34 35
Mary Immaculate, Limerick 28 27 40 37 47
Marlboro' Street, Dublin 185 105 163 98 128
St. Patrick's, Dublin 83 71 80 70 71
Our Lady of Mercy, Blackrock 84 110 86 107 87
Church of Ireland, Dublin 72 56 71 52 67
De La Salle, Waterford 92 98 89 95 75
St. Mary's, Belfast 48 50 47 48 48
Mary Immaculate, Limerick 50 47 53 45 54
Marlboro' Street, Dublin 4 3 7 9 Nil.
St. Patrick's, Dublin 12 17 15 22 11
Our Lady of Mercy, Blackrock 3 7 15 22 17
Church of Ireland, Dublin Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil. Nil.
De La Salle, Waterford 3 28 33 32 19
St. Mary's, Belfast 8 21 20 19 10
Mary Immaculate, Limerick 2 7 12 7 9