HC Deb 06 July 1915 vol 73 c198W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if he is aware that the institution of the new rank, warrant officer Class II., has caused dissatisfaction amongst non-commissioned officers of Class 16, who gain nothing by their promotion, whilst the sergeant-majors coming up from the class below get an increase of 3d. a day to their pension besides the higher allowances of their new class, and also amongst the noncommissioned officers of Class 17, who have not been granted the new rank, although they are equal in rank to the sergeant-majors promoted, and in many cases senior to them; and if the Army Council will consider the suggestion that non-commissioned officers of Class 16 should be promoted to first-class warrant rank and, the second-class warrant rank be extended to the whole of the non-commissioned officers in Class 17?


The object of the institution of the new class of warrant officer was to raise the status of the noncommissioned officer (namely, the squadron, battery or company sergeant-major) who, under the commissioned officer, is immediately responsible for the training and military efficiency of the squadron, battery or company, and I am afraid that it is impossible to extend the promotion to all the noncommissioned officers who were originally of equivalent rank without nullifying the whole effect of the change. It should be remembered that these non-commissioned officers who were not selected are actually in no worse position than they were before, and that their opportunities of advancement to the rank of warrant officer Class I. are in no way diminished.