HC Deb 10 February 1915 vol 69 c586W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether members of Territorial units at Home and in the Expeditionary Force have been ordered to take off the Territorial badge T; if so, why; whether the abolition of the badge is intended to affect in any, and what, manner the obligations of such members, and whether a careful record will be kept of all units and their numbers who are treated in this way?


No instructions to this effect have been issued from the War Office, but if the hon. Member will furnish particulars of any specific cases where such instructions have been given I will have inquiries made.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether a man who joined a Territorial regiment which camped in July, 1914, gets proficiency pay from the date of mobilisation if he joined on 4th August, 1912, and attended a, fifteen days' camp in July, 1913 and 1914; whether a man who so joined on 4th August, 1912, a unit which would have camped in August, 1914, does not get proficiency pay, even though he had attended a fifteen days' camp in 1913 and had sent in his name for camp in 1914 and was prevented from completing attendance by mobilisation; and, if so, whether this state of affairs will be rectified?


The effect of the Regulations is as stated. The issue of proficiency pay depends upon attendance actually given before mobilisation.