§ Mr. GINNELLasked the Chief Secretary if he will say by whom, and under what scheme, the Erasmus Smith property in Ireland is now administered; the counties in which it is situated; the schools that benefit by it, with the amount in each case; the revenue from the property in each county, and the total; the purpose to which the surplus is applied, with the authority for this application; and who are entitled under the scheme to check the accounts and challenge the administration?
§ Mr. BIRRELLThe Erasmus Smith property in Ireland is administered by a Board of Governors constituted under Charters of Charles II. and William IV., which, together with Acts of Parliament of 10 Geo. I., 21 and 22 Geo. III., cap. 27, 591W 25 Geo. III., cap. 55, and 31 and 32 Vic., cap. 62, also constitute the scheme of administration. The property is situate in the counties of Tipperary, Limerick, Galway, and Sligo, and I am informed by the Governors that, in accordance with the Charters, grammar schools are maintained at Drogheda, Galway, and Tipperary; professorships, fellowships and exhibitions are provided at Trinity College, Dublin, and fixed payments are made to the King's Hospital, Dublin, and Christ's Hospital, London. The surplus revenue is, likewise in accordance with the Charters, applied in payments for supplemented exhibitions in Trinity College, Dublin, and in the maintenance of twenty schools in eleven different counties in Ireland. The revenue of the foundation for the year ended the 1st May, 1914, amounted to £6,027 7s. 7d., but the detailed allocation thereof in the form asked for could only be furnished at the expense of considerable time and labour. Under the Charters and Acts of Parliament the Governors have full power to examine and allow the accounts submitted in accordance therewith, their practice being to have such accounts duly audited before submission. For an indication of the parties entitled to challenge the administration I must refer the hon. Member to the several Acts and Charters.