HC Deb 08 February 1915 vol 69 cc271-2W

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what course it is proposed to follow with regard to the weekly leave days which have been lost by the police since the War commenced; has he any information as to the number of forces which have already paid the men for the weekly leave days lost, and as to the scales adopted in Sheffield, Birmingham, Eastbourne, Hull, and Leeds; and will he say how it is intended to deal with the position in London?


So far as county and borough police are concerned the matter is one for the decision of the local police authorities. In the case of the Metropolitan Police I hope it may be found possible in the near future to make up to them the weekly rest-days they have lost, but the extra work that is now being thrown on the police by the War, together with the depletion in their numbers consequent on so many of them joining the Army, makes it impossible for me to speak more definitely. I recognise fully, as I am sure the House will also recognise, the public spirit shown by the police, who have not been behind other services in making sacrifices in the national interest.