HC Deb 29 April 1915 vol 71 c850W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he is aware that the men in forges in the Royal Gun Foundry, Woolwich, are complaining that, notwithstanding the appeal of the Secretary of State for War for men to do their beet, they have insufficient work given them to keep the press of the department at work for more than half the time it might be; whether his attention has been called to the fact that recently an order was given for fifteen breech-loader inner A-tube guns, and that the billets were received, but only seven were forged, the remainder being sent out to be manufactured; that of another order of thirty breech-loader guns only fifteen were forged; that of another order of twenty-one guns only five were forged; and whether he will take the necessary steps to have the department kept employed to its full capacity?


The special work of the big forging press has not been materially increased by the War, but the forges themselves have been fully occupied up to the present. As regards the second and third parts of the question, the hon. Member no doubt refers to some Admiralty orders which were subsequently withdrawn or cancelled. As regards the fourth part, the work on these guns has been temporarily suspended owing to a question of design having arisen. The foundry will be kept as fully employed as is necessary, but I am informed that the heavy forge work is slackening off.