HC Deb 27 April 1915 vol 71 c590W

asked the conditions under which Service pay and proficiency pay, respectively, are paid?


The conditions under which service pay and proficiency pay are issued are laid down in Articles 1060 and following and in Appendix V. of the Royal Warrant for Pay of the Army, 1914. Service pay (Class I. 6d. to 7d. per day and Class II. 4d. to 5d. per day) is now being-drawn only in the case of men, serving with the Colours or in the Reserve on 4th August, 1914, who enlisted before 1st October, 1906, and have not since that date entered into a new contract by extension of service, re-engagement, transfer to another arm, etc. Such men draw this emolument,i.e., service pay, under the conditions in force at the time of their enlistment. Proficiency pay (Class I. 6d. per day, Class II. 3d. per day (is issuable to Cavalry, Artillery, and Infantry soldiers who enlisted on or after 1st October, 1906, or who, having enlisted before that date, have relinquished their service pay rights on entering on a new contract as stated above. A service qualification of two years Colour service is the only condition necessary during mobilisation for the Class II. rate (3d. per day) of proficiency pay (service on a prior engagement in the Regular Army, Royal Marines, Special Reserve, or, subject to certain conditions as to camp attendance, in the Territorial Force, may count for this qualification). To earn the Class I. rate (6d. a day) a private soldier must in addition have passed the standard test in shooting or be a qualified signaller. Non-commissioned officers of or above the rank of sergeant get Class I. rate provided they have two years' Colour service. All Reservists who have rejoined the Colours draw service or proficiency pay according to the class of service or proficiency pay they were drawing when they were transferred to the Reserve.