HC Deb 19 November 1914 vol 68 c572W
Colonel YATE

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether the Secretary of State for India, as the honorary Admiral of the Royal Indian Marine, will represent to the Admiralty the claims of the officers and crew of the Royal Indian Marine ship "Minto," and of other officers and men of the Royal Indian Marine who were engaged with the Royal Navy in the suppression of gun-running during the last few years in the Persian Gulf, to receive the medal which has been struck by the Admiralty to commemorate that service?


As the hon. and gallant Gentleman is aware, the Government of India are reserving for the present, with the Secretary of State's concurrence, the question of recognising the services of the officers and crew of the R.I.M.S. "Minto." In the circumstances the Secretary of State does not see his way to press the hon. Member's suggestion on the Admiralty, who are already in possession of the views of the Government of India upon the whole subject. The hon. Member might refer direct to the Admiralty, as I suggested in a previous answer.