HC Deb 19 November 1914 vol 68 cc570-1W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if his attention has been called to an advertisement which appeared in the "Independent" newspaper, and reproduced in the "Irish School Weekly," of 7th November, 1914, stating that principalship and assistantship in the same school, or principalships in adjoining schools, were required by young husband and wife, with highest reports and references, who could train and conduct a choir, a £20 reward being offered; will he say if the Commissioners of National Education sanction the traffic in school appointments which such advertisements indicate; and, if not, do they propose to take any steps to bring to an end the purchase and sale, of teacherships in Irish national schools?


An advertisement of the nature referred to appeared in the "Irish Independent" newspaper of the 2nd November. The Commissioners of National Education do not sanction traffic in school appointments, and they have, whenever possible, taken steps to put an end to the practice, which, however, they do not think prevails to any serious extent.