HC Deb 16 November 1914 vol 68 c249W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he is aware that Mary Leonard, Chapel Street, Taghmon, who is an insured contributor under the National Insurance Act, although sick for three months, got insurance pay for only twenty-two days; if work-doctor Halligan refused to give sick pay until another doctor certified she was sick, and when the twenty-two days had elapsed and the sick girl applied for a renewal of sick pay did Doctor Halligan visit her or recommend her for sick pay or answer her letter; is he aware that there are only two doctors appointed to visit insured contributors in the whole of South Wexford, and that it is a physical impossibility for them to perform the duties assigned to them; and will he see that the dispensary doctors are empowered to certify for sick pay in their respective districts or take other steps to prevent the poor working people being deprived of their rights, as the case referred to is only one of many cases?


The case referred to has not previously been brought to my right hon. Friend's notice; inquiry is being made, and he will communicate further with my hon. Friend.