HC Deb 21 May 1914 vol 62 c2162W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether the attention of the Board of Trade has been called to the action raised by Colville's trustees against the burgh of Campbeltown in the Court of Session in reference to the ownership of that portion of the foreshore ex adxerso of the burgh to the north of Lochend Burn, which has been reclaimed by the operations of the burgh of Campbeltown at the expense of the inhabitants and is now a public park; whether either of the litigants communicated with his Department, as representing the Crown, before settling the dispute as to their respective rights or want of rights; will he state the terms of settlement between pursuers and defenders; and whether the rights of the Crown have been ascertained and conserved in the course of the action and settlement?


The attention of the Board of Trade has been called to this action. Neither of the parties communicated with the Board before settling the dispute as between themselves. The Board have been unable to obtain a print of the record in the action, but the following statement was sent to the Press by the Campbeltown Town Council in October last, that:—This action has now been settled by the corporation paying to Mr. Colville's trustees a sum of £400 and a Fen duty of 10s. per annum, and also their expenses modified to a maximum of £150, and in return the town council have now obtained and recorded their feudal title to the subjects.

The question whether any and, if so, what steps should be taken to safeguard the rights and interests of the Crown is at present under consideration.

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