HC Deb 11 May 1914 vol 62 c741W

asked the President of the Board of Trade what was the average price per quarter in 1913 of Home-grown wheat, for human consumption, in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany; what was the average price per quarter in 1913 of imported wheat in the same countries; what was the percentage of Home-grown wheat to the total consumption in 1913 in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany; and what was the Home production of wheat in the United Kingdom, France, and Germany in 1880, 1890, 1900, 1910, and 1913?


The following statement gives the information desired, so far as the particulars are available:—

United Kingdom. France. Germany.
Per Quarter. Per Quarter Per Quarter.
Average price of wheat in 1913— s. d. s. d. s. d.
Home-grown 31 8* No information. No information.
Imported 35 6 36 1½†
All descriptions 47 4 41 11
Percentage of Home-grown wheat to total quantity of wheat available for consumption for all purposes in the cereal year 1912–1913 Per cent. 19½ Per cent. 87½ Per cent. 70½
Estimated production of wheat— Quarters. Quarters. Quarters.
1880 9,365,000 34,194,000 10,805,000
1890 9,499,000 40,190,000 12,999,000
1900 6,790,000 39,432,000 17,637,000
1910 7,074,000 31,224,000 17,731,000
1913 7,084,000 40,330,000 21,379,000
* "Gazette" average price of British wheat. † Average value at the port of importation, exclusive of duty.